Australian Embassy
Belgium, Luxembourg and Mission to the European Union and NATO



Adult renewal application (PC7) by mail

  1. Do I send my current passport with the renewal application?
    • No
  2. How will I know if/when my application has been received at post?
    • You can track the delivery status of your application with your courier.
  3. What if I need to travel urgently, but already mailed in my renewal application?
    • Please contact us to discuss options.
  4. Will the mission post my new passport to me?
    • Your new passport will be posted via BPost to the postal address provided on your passport renewal application form (PC7).
    • If your circumstances have since changed, please contact us to discuss alternative options to receive your passport.
  5. What if I cannot access the online portal to complete and print my PC7 renewal application?
    • Contact us to request a pre-filled PC7 renewal form to be emailed to you.

Child renewal application (PC8) by mail

Booking an appointment

If you are eligible for a mailed-in application, you can lodge the application by mail without an appointment. All other passport applications require lodgement in person and a lodgement appointment is required.

Passport appointments are available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 09:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 15:30, excluding Embassy’s public holidays.

Book an appointment with Australian Embassy Brussels, Belgium using SetMore

Clients without an appointment will only be seen in exceptional circumstances. For further enquiries, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling +32 2 286 05 00.

Passport Services

Privacy Policy

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) uses third-party software (Setmore) to manage the Embassy’s appointments.

Your personal information (including your name and contact details) will be collected by DFAT via Setmore to book your appointment and for related purposes. 

By proceeding with this booking, you are consenting to the collection of this information by Setmore on DFAT’s behalf for these purposes. If this information is not collected, DFAT’s ability to arrange your appointment will be limited. 

Your personal information will be handled by Setmore in accordance with Setmore’s Privacy Policy, and by DFAT in accordance with DFAT’s Privacy Policy.